Accountability is How We Support Each Other This post is laid out as follows. And it comes with the “I’m ragged, truly, and writing this fast” preface — please let…
Category: <span>democracy</span>
We have to go back to go forward. Our power to do that is shrinking. Foreclose. The word summarizes a feeling I have been experiencing with mounting frequency over the…
Layers beget layers and it all needs more public lawyers Two points of setup — one: significant amounts of power and money are moving faster than ever in this moment.…
Update 1: May 4, 2020 This post previously left off with the three questions I had asked Waterfront Toronto about the government task force(s) for the Sidewalk Toronto project on…
I’m always struggling with when/what deserves an answer or amplification in the news when things are written about the use of data or technology to address issues of public good…
This past weekend I was reflecting on what it means to have the kind of power that gives you the confidence to: 1. commit the public to a type of…
To Executive Committee, As you consider the update on the City of Toronto’s Digital Infrastructure Plan, please add a principle for technological sovereignty. This is a core tenet of the foundational…
1. What do you like about the draft principles? (Detail on the five draft principles can be found in the discussion guide – pages 7-16). They are: 1. Equity &…
Bianca Wylie Parkdale, Toronto July 31, 2019 Dear Waterfront Toronto, As you wrap up this first round of consultation and continue with your deliberations I have two thoughts to share…
Today the Wall Street Journal reported that Alphabet Inc. is “teaming up with its subsidiary, Sidewalk Labs LLC, and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) to launch an infrastructure holding company…